Thursday, April 29, 2010

So a long time pass, and I am now squeezing in a blog- I nearly have 10 minutes before I leave for a doctor's appointment. Happy to say that it is also a warm day here in MI. Finally. High of 73 degrees, we will see...Michigan is ever changing. I have been going through all of my emails for the "crafter" in me and realized that have roughly 6 projects that I have planned to do and not begun...they are just piled up in a heap on the office desk at home..that will change. I am vowing time for my creativity. Should I do a dream board or something. First things first.. I have to finish the Van Gogh felt scarf..yes, and it is turning into summer here. See... procrastination. I will post a photo of it. I will be cool. I will wear it any way, 70 degrees or not.

Once that is done, I have to work on clearing out the office for and additional at home project, however it is not fully all mine, rearranging of furniture will take place, which always leads to new jewelry finds, seeing that everything falls behind the dresser. Trip to IKEA on Saturday makes me have to sort through all the clothing that I have...why is it that we hang on to the t-shirt that one t-shirt for ages..

Well that is all- my 10 minutes are up. I hadn't been typing this whole time.. I am a multi tasker.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I feel like being a little different lately... maybe this is what coming into your own feels like. Or maybe this photo makes me happy. Either way here is to- today.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Love this.. Whimsical and fun.

I sooo want to do this... love it :)

Eek :/ Monday

So it's Monday. Needless to say I am not a fan.

Motto for today :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

just my favorite flower.

First, things first...

So here is the first attempt onto Blogger world. I have blogged in the past, never to the extremes that I have seen over these last few months...I mean, wheew, these blogs out there are truly amazing to me. The time and effort it takes just truly floors me...however there is a yearning that I have to be that committed.

Now, I am the first to say that I have commitments coming out of my ears..and I live true to them. At least a majority of them, but commitments to myself... hm, that's a whole other story. So for this 14th day of March I am committing to this blog. For at least, a time frame. Geesh, I didn't want to bring time into this...well...maybe not each day, but there will be a commitment to blog, how about that?

I am not going to make this a 5th graders diary, however...when I read my old diaries, I seriously laugh. I see the true excitement, even though it may only be 6 words or less... for example.

May 3rd, 1989-

Dear Diary...
4 more days til Cedar Point!!!!!!!!!!

Love MGJ

Yeah, I can remember that I will maintain that through out my blogs, maybe with more verbiage though.

So here goes Blogger world.
For goodness sake I hope that it is enjoyed, however I can care less if any readers do...its for me and my little things in life that I shoulda, coulda, woulda and have done that makes me, Me.

Light and Love.